By: Parker Bahl and Max Stryker
Overview: The two search term topics that we researched on google trends and compared were “Terrorist and Bombs”. We also compared the two and examined the search results from each topic. We looked at the interest that people had in these two topics depending on where they lived. For example if the United States had a bigger interest in Terrorists compared to Europe where they might have had an interest in bombs and we found out why this happened at that certain time. Also, we looked at the graphs and whenever we saw a spike we tried to find out why that topic did that on that certain date. Also on Google trends we examined where terrorists and bombs had connections and differences and how they correlate to different countries and regions.
Boston Bombing "April 15, 2013"
Bombing on London Subway "September 15, 2017"
Article Sources:
Link to New York Times Article on London Attack
Link to New York Times Article on North Korea Bomb Announcement
Link to New York Times Article on Finland Stabbing
Link to CNN Article on Terrorist Attack in Barcelona
Link to article on Boston Bombing